CM&A Credentials

Mr. Danny Qubain at Global Business Advisors has obtained the CM&A professional designation.

AMAA's Certified in Mergers & Acquisitions (CM&A) certification is the premiere advanced professional credential available to today's CPAs and other business advisory professionals. Designed and managed by a consortium of successful CPA and corporate financial advisory firms, the CM&A training program is designed to:

  • Help M&A professionals take their professional and leadership competencies to a new 'gold standard' level of excellence.
  • Help business clients select a financial advisor of the highest caliber.

CM&A training is innovative, rigorous, and challenging, but the rewards can be great. CM&A designation attests to the mastery of the M&A body of knowledge and a commitment to staying abreast of new developments in the field. It also recognizes a professional achievement and serves as a client tool for sellers to differentiate between certified and non-certified merger and acquisition professionals.

